Justin Benson
(YOG 1990)
Title:Chief Financial Officer
Co. Name:Next Technik

Current Industry Experience
Other Software Development
Occupation Fields
Accounting, Banking & Financial Services
Previous Industry Experience
Accommodation & Food Services Administrative & Support Services Arts & Recreation Services Construction Education & Training Financial & Insurance Services Health Care & Social Assistance Information Media & Telecomms Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Rental, Hiring & Real Estate Services Retail Trade Transport, Postal & Warehousing
Previous Occupation Fields
Accounting, Banking & Financial Services Administration & Human Resources Automotive, Transport & Logistics Education & Training Executive & General Management Government, Defence & Protective Services Hospitality, Food Services & Tourism Sales, Retail, Wholesale & Real Estate Sports & Recreation
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Bachelor Degree
    Swinburne Uni:
    Management & Commerce
    Major: Accounting
  • Industry Qualification
    Other :
    Management & Commerce
    Major: Chartered Accountant
Subjects studied at Year 12
Accounting English Maths - Further Maths - Specialist Physics
What do you love about your job?

Where it takes me

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Do what you love to do. Sacrifice is sometimes needed. Not everything comes to you quickly, it’s ok.




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